What Causes Dizzy Spells?

Woman Talking To Doctor
September 5th, 2019

The natural aging process can lead to changes in your health, and dizziness is one of the symptoms of a medical issue. There are several symptoms associated with dizzy spells, including:

  • Light-headedness
  • A whirling sensation
  • Seeing bright lights
  • Tiredness
  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Feeling unbalanced
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea

If you are experiencing dizzy spells frequently, you should talk your regular doctor or primary care provider to determine if you have a health problem that requires treatment. There are numerous reasons why you can feel dizzy, and some of these problems are easy to overcome. Here are some of the reasons for having dizzy spells.

Common Causes of Dizzy Spells

Ear Problems

A problem in your inner ear from a cold or a sinus infection can lead to dizziness. You can also have an earwax impaction or changes in your hearing acuity that can affect your balance.


On a hot day, it is easy to become dehydrated, and this can lead to feeling light-headed when you stand up. Make sure to drink enough water each day to remain hydrated, and also, avoid drinking caffeinated beverages that increase urination.


Dizziness is often a bad side effect from prescription or over-the-counter medications. If you experience this problem, then you should change to different medications.

Blood Sugar Abnormalities

Feeling light-headed and dizzy are some of the symptoms from blood sugar abnormalities. You should visit a physician for urine or blood tests to determine if you have diabetes mellitus.

Becoming Overheated

When you are physically active, you can become overheated quickly, and you can experience a dizzy spell. Remember to exercise in a room that has cool air from circulating fans or an air conditioner.

Poor Visual Acuity

If you are feeling dizzy, then it is possible that your vision is changing. You may need to begin wearing glasses, or you might need a new eyeglass prescription. When you wear bifocals, it is important to have eyeglasses that are adjusted properly to avoid any vision abnormalities.

Forgetting to Eat

When you forget to eat a meal or snack for several hours, you can feel light-headed. This feeling can also make you feel nauseated because your stomach is empty, but it is continuing to produce acid.

Blood Circulation Disorders

If you sit for a long amount of time, then your body’s blood may pool in your legs or feet, and when you stand up, you will feel dizzy. This is often a dangerous condition that requires surgery or taking medication.

Insect or Spider Bites and Stings

When an insect or spider stings or bites you, it is possible to have a mild-to-severe allergic reaction. This can lead to feeling light-headed or dizzy, so you should inspect your skin to look for any evidence of a bite or a sting from a spider or an insect.


If you are anemic, then your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells. This condition is often caused by a poor daily diet or an inability to absorb iron from your food, but in some cases, anemia is a symptom from a major health issue. A physician can complete a physical examination to determine why you have anemia that is making you feel dizzy.

Neurological Disorders

Dizzy spells can also be a sign of having a neurological disorder such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease. If your physician believes that you have a problem with your brain or spinal column, then you can undergo a variety of tests to determine what is causing your light-headedness.

Heart Abnormalities

There are a number of heart problems that could lead to dizziness, including a blockage in your artery, an issue your heart valves or an irregular heartbeat. Dizziness may just be the first symptom of these serious conditions, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Your doctor may refer you to a cardiologist for more specialized tests.

Protecting Yourself Against Falling Injuries from Dizziness

It is not uncommon to fall down when you are feeling dizzy, leading to bruises, sprains, fractured bones or more serious injuries. If you have problems with dizziness, you may want to consider a medical alert system with Fall Detection that notifies relatives or paramedics when you fall.