Ways to Celebrate Dads and Grandads This Father’s Day

Three Generations Outside
June 18th, 2020

This Father’s Day might feel a little different. The COVID-19 pandemic inhibited many people from visiting their parents, especially those who are elderly including grandparents. There are many ways in which we can celebrate a safe Father’s Day that will be meaningful, memorable, and low-impact.

Don’t Just Take a Walk, Take a Walk Down Memory Lane

Taking a walk with your dad or grandfather can be an enjoyable, healthy low-impact activity, it can also be a great time to take a stroll down memory lane and talk about the good old days. If your father or grandfather is older take it slow and walk at a steady pace while talking about old times. Old birthdays, Father’s Days from yesteryear, and other memories are all good starting points for conversation. If you have a hard time talking with your dad, the simple act of taking a walk together will be something that you’ll both enjoy.

Bring the Microbrewery to Him

If your father or grandfather enjoys unique beers from microbreweries and you can’t take him to one, you can do the next best thing. If you can’t take Pops to the microbrewery, bring the microbrewery to him! Stock up on his favorite beer and look for special editions, then bring it to him to enjoy Father’s Day the way a man should.

If you’re feeling adventurous and are unable to take your dad or grandfather out somewhere, you can even have a beer tasting at home. Pick up a few six-packs and single bottles of some beers he hasn’t tried before.

Bring the Ballgame Too!

If your favorite sport has been disrupted because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, you can always break out streaming, a DVD, or even an old VHS recording of some of your favorite ball games. Whether they’re from 1994 or 164, watching old games can bring out good memories and inspire nostalgia.

Cigars, it’s a Dad Thing

Fathers and grandfathers who smoke cigars would definitely appreciate them on Father’s Day. Make sure you get them a good variety from high-quality brands, you’ll win big points for this one! A good cigar is an experience, give your father or grandfather the best experience by coupling the cigars with a bottle of Scotch. If your dad or granddad is a cigar connoisseur, he’ll appreciate the way that Scotch compliments the flavors in their cigar.

Watch Movies and Play Games

Whether your dad likes video games or card games, you can play either one safely at home. Just like an exciting video game, a good card game can go on for hours. Playing games together is a great bonding experience no matter what age you are.

Watching movies is another great way to spend time with your father or grandfather on Father’s Day this year. You can watch all of his old favorites, or even better, dig out some family videos. Seeing the times that have gone by and a vision of their younger selves can be empowering and enlightening.

The Value of Having a Medical Alert System

Medical alert systems save lives every year. You can wear it as a necklace if desired. Whenever you have an emergency, all you have to do is push a button. When you have the convenience of emergency services at the push of a button, you don’t have to worry as much about Father’s Day activities. Having a Medical Alert system also gives you the freedom to do what you want and continue to live independently. When you have a Medical Alert system, you can keep enjoying the things you like to do without any of the worries.

Get your Medical Alert system today and enjoy Father’s Day confidently and safely!